Chon-Ji Tul is a complete fighting system!

Chon-Ji is a complete fighting system!

Chon-Ji Tul is the first of the 24 patterns in the ITF Taekwon-Do system. It consists of 19 movements. Where there are basically three techniques. A punch, a low forearm block, and a middle outward block with the inside of the forearm.

It has two stances, an L-stance, and a walking stance. There are two turns, a 90 and a 180-degree turn. And you move forwards and backwards in the walking stance.

Yes, I know what’s in Chon-Ji! But how can this be a complete fighting system?

Well! If you give us 90 minutes, you will see!

“Chon-Ji Tul is the most important pattern. When you understand Chon-Ji, you understand Taekwon-Do!”

-Gen. Choi Hong Hi

Book us for a seminar or workshop, and we will be proud and honored to show you the core of our project.


“When you understand the root, you understand all its blossoming.”


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