Exiting seminar coming up in Oslo

Oslo East Taekwon-Do club has this awesome tradition of kicking off the new year with an seminar. We have the honor of hosting Master Mikko and Sabum Heli from the renowned Tampere Taekwon-Do club. They'll be here on the first weekend of January 2024.

What they'll be teaching? Patterns and self-defense! It's gonna be super interesting because Tampere Taekwon-Do club has produced some seriously talented athletes over the years. So we're all excited to see what these two top-notch instructors have in store for us.

We had an amazing time conducting an ITF Radix seminar in Tampere not too long ago. The people there were just fantastic! And now, it's our turn to show them some love and make their stay in Oslo absolutely unforgettable. Let's give them an experience they'll cherish forever!


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