NTN Kickoff 2025
Taekwon-Do will be celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2025! The Oslo East Taekwon-Do Club cordially extends an invitation to all to commence the new year with a big seminar at the Oppsal Arena on the 4th of January.
Accepting applications from individuals of all ranks who have reached the age of 12 years.
Saturday 4th. January from 10.00 to 16.30
Oppsal Arena, Arena 3. Vetlandsveien 49, 0671 Oslo.
Tickets are Nkr 400,- Vipps to 118132 Oslo Øst Taekwon-Do klubb. Note name, club and rank.
ITF Radix will be on the agenda along with all the black belt patterns, free sparring, power breaking, strength & conditioning, knife defense, and some creative target training.
As you can see from the schedule, we have a lot of excellent instructors. All the way from Poland we have Sabum Łukasz Gyrgel. He is the author of several books on Taekwondo-Do and the developer of the Black Belt Project app.
He will be in possession of a selection of books that you may request his signature upon. Should you desire a book to be autographed, it is advisable to forward an email specifying the title for him to prepare. Given the constrained capacity for book transportation, you may guarantee your own copy.