A Christmas Tale of the ITF Tenets

On a snowy night, under the starry glow,

A tale unfolds where virtues grow.

With Christmas near, a lesson unfolds,

Of life’s true treasures, more precious than gold.

Courtesy, like the warmth of a hearth,

Binds us together in joy and mirth.

With kind words spoken, and deeds so bright,

It lights the world on this holy night.

Integrity shines like the North Star above,

Guiding us with honesty, kindness, and love.

In every promise, in every deed,

Truth is the root of the Christmas creed.

Perseverance whispers, “Don’t lose your way,

Even when skies seem cold and gray.”

For like the Wise Men who traveled afar,

Dreams are achieved when we follow our star.

Self-control steadies, like snow-laden pine,

Teaching us patience in this Christmastime.

With peace in our hearts, we calmly proceed,

Sharing love, not haste, in thought and deed.

An indomitable spirit fuels the flame,

To rise again and play life’s game.

Through trials and hardships, we hold tight,

With hope and courage, our guiding light.

So this Christmas, remember and share,

These five tenets with love and care.

For the spirit of Taekwon-Do, tried and true,

Brings peace on Earth to me and you.


A westerner reintroduced Taekwon-Do to Koreans, showcasing its historical significance and the cultural exchange that transpired.


What Taekwon-Do Taught Me About Learning and Teaching