A westerner reintroduced Taekwon-Do to Koreans, showcasing its historical significance and the cultural exchange that transpired.

David A. Tizzard has a PhD in Korean Studies and lectures at Seoul Women's University and Hanyang University. He writes a weekly column in the Korea Times, is a a social-cultural commentator, and musician who has lived in Korea for nearly two decades. He can be reached at datizzard@swu.ac.kr.

Sanko Lewis (PhD) is a professor, philosopher, martial arts researcher, and artist living in Seoul, South Korea.

Find him and his work: https://linktr.ee/sankolewis

Subscribe to the channel: https://youtube.com/@davidtizzard?si=uqXK2ZqYikud5UkW

Discussion Outline

0:00 Taekwondo as Korean Wave

4:03 Explaining 천지 (Heaven and Earth)

6:02 The Birth of Taekwondo

12:55 North Korea and Taekwondo

15:12 Olympics Taekwondo

20:00 Martial Arts Deconstructed

32:40 Early Western Interactions with Martial Arts

39:20 Taoism as Asian Philosophy

55:00 The Japanese Origins of Taekwondo

1:04:22 Choi Hong-hi

1:14:50 Taekwondo in Modern Korea

1:20:20 Ethnographic Research

1:26:00 Korean Body Culture

1:32:20 곡선미 (The Beauty of Curved Lines)

1:43:31 단전 호흡 (Korean Breathing)

1:47:48 Korean Aesthetics in Modern K-Pop

1:56:55 Recommendations


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